Training Events Cut by 50% With Heat Mapping

Starkey Starkey is one of the world's largest providers of hearing technologies. They used eSpatial mapping tools to grow and manage their vast US sales and distribution network

Person with hearing aid

The Challenge

Given the geographically diverse nature of their customer base, the Starkey team needed to address some key challenges:

1. Territory management

Having a visual on their sales territories was very important for Starkey. They needed a powerful and fast territory management solution to communicate balanced territories to their sales reps in a consistent and fast way.

2. Customer visit planning

Starkey's field reps needed a way to quickly access customer information in the field to help them better plan and prioritize customer visits.

3. Project & process reporting

Starkey wanted to be able to build custom visual reports so that they could identify other areas and projects where intervention was needed. For example, identifying clusters of customers where training is required, deciding where to hire new sales reps, and where they can expand.

The Solution

Starkey chose eSpatial to help them to align their sales territories to maximize the number of customer visits achieved by their sales reps. They also used it to visually map their customer and sales data to assist with performance reporting to make faster and more effective decisions. Deploying it among their inside sales and field teams, they used eSpatial in three parts:
Design, realign, and optimize territories Design, realign, and optimize territories

1. Territory Management

Starkey used eSpatial's powerful territory builder to visualize their sales territories from regional to national coverage using DMAs (Designated Market Areas). This allowed them to quickly create balanced sales territories using their sales and customer location data.

Create optimized sales and service routes Create optimized sales and service routes

2. Field Sales Planning

Starkey's field teams used eSpatial both in the office and in the field to plan customer visits and meetings. Using maps and eSpatial's analysis tools like Drive Time and Radius buffers, reps could prioritize and visit customers more efficiently.

Present a data story with maps Present a data story with maps

3. Performance Reporting

Starkey used eSpatial to map and model customer data, sales territories, office and rep locations. This provided a visual perspective in the various decision-making processes by management in Starkey.

The Result

Starkey has seen significant benefits since the implementation of eSpatial:

1. Effective sales territory management

Territories were mapped in a consistent easily accessible manner. Starkey were able to split several of their West Coast territories into more balanced and optimum regions for their sales reps, improving efficiency and morale.

2. Better planned customer visits

Field sales reps had a clearer view of their market and were prioritizing more valuable customers by using eSpatial in the field as part of their sales planning process.

3. Faster decision making & strategic planning

eSpatial has become a fundamental part of the strategic decision-making process in Starkey, from helping to decide where to hire new sales reps, to the organizing of training sessions for their customers. Using eSpatial, Starkey has managed to cut the number of annual customer training sessions in 2018 by 50% by identifying hotspots of where their customers were located, allowing them to free up resources and budgets for other projects.

eSpatial has been an awesome tool for Starkey. From our territory planning; splitting territories, adjusting for local details, communicating and mocking up options. Then giving that updated detail to our sales team along with live access to CRM and trip planning. And then representing everything in a beautiful way that we love to use in presentations – it is truly a very impressive package

Alexandra Pike

Sales Operations

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