Territory Optimization Tool

Design balanced, equitable sales and service territories that maximize sales potential and time with customers and minimize travel time and costs

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Territory map
What is a territory optimization tool
Video transcript for What is a territory optimization tool

A territory optimization tool enables sales and operations teams to efficiently manage and divide territories, for sales representatives, delivery drivers, or service technicians.

Advanced territory optimizers will include balances, like a workload index, ensuring you design balanced, equitable territories.

What is a Territory Optimization Tool?

A territory optimization tool enables sales and operations teams to efficiently manage and divide territories for sales representatives, delivery drivers, or service technicians.

Advanced territory optimizers will include balances like a workload index, ensuring you design balanced, equitable territories.

Sales, marketing, field service management, logistics, and territory-based franchise operations use territory optimization tools. It is perfect for maximizing efficiency, improving customer service, and optimizing resource allocation across geographic regions.

Territory optimizer alignment tool

How Do I Use the Territory Optimization Tool?

Step 1

Select the + Build Territories and select + Create Territory Alignment.

+ Build Territories

Step 2

Select Areas from the file and upload your spreadsheet with your current territory definitions.

Areas From File link

Step 3

The new territory window appears. Select the following:

  1. Select your regional dataset. The regional dataset is the building block for your territories. It includes the country and area types like state, county, or ZIP.
  2. If creating hierarchical territories click the + Add level button to add a hierarchy level.
  3. Select complete and your territory alignment will be created.
New territory alignment from file

Step 4

When your map shows, select + ADD DATA and add your account, sales, or leads data (the data used to create balanced territories).

Add data button

Step 5

Select Optimize to open the territory optimizer window.

Territory optimize button

Step 6

First, select the number of areas you want to design. Next, click Balance on to choose your preferred balance metric. If you still need to create a balance, select Add Balance.

Create a balance from your account dataset, such as the account count or potential sales value. Selecting account count will create territories with an equal number of accounts.

Selecting potential sales value will create territories with equal sales potential.

Select Complete, and your territories will be equally divided based on your chosen balance.

Optimize territory alignment

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