Salesforce Integration

We offer rapid visual insight that eliminates the need for guesswork in decision-making, all within your Salesforce environment

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Territory map in Salesforce

What's Available in the Salesforce Integration?

At eSpatial, we believe that mapping should be fast, easy, and powerful. Our unique Salesforce integration allows you to effortlessly upload and visualize multiple layers of data, swiftly create dynamic reports, analyze key areas, and share the results.

Committed to helping users achieve their business goals through mapping, we are trusted by customers and partners globally.

Territory map in Salesforce

Territory Management

  • Design territories using areas, points (accounts-based) or both
  • Advanced territory optimization that's lightning-fast
  • Use workload metric or weighted balance
  • Maximize efficiencies with account exceptions
  • Compare and contrast alignment scenarios
  • Access manual realignment
Routing map in Salesforce


  • Design smarter schedules
  • Optimize rep routes (up to 20 days)
  • Add up to one extra sales call a day to your route
  • Add territory and map visualization capabilities
  • Free up more selling time
  • Drive down fuel costs
Heat map in Salesforce

Mapping and Visualization

  • Perfect your site selection process
  • Interrogate performance with heatmaps
  • Analyze your competition
  • Optimize your resources with location intelligence
  • Present your data story with maps
  • Make job allocation easy

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