Maximize Your Sales Productivity & Efficiency

A guide to creating your sales territory plan

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With This Guide You Will Learn How To:

  • Analyze your market
  • Define your territory
  • Set goals
  • Develop strategies
  • Establish a timeline
  • Allocate resources
  • Leverage technology

Use Our Guide to Create Your Sales Territory Plan

In today’s competitive business landscape, strategic territory planning is essential to maximize sales efficiency and drive revenue growth.

Main benefits of having a sale territory plan:

  • Helps you make better-informed hiring decisions, which drives sales productivity, revenue, and profits.
  • Maximizes sales resources, producing equitable and balanced areas and optimizes lead allocation.
  • Empowers your team to achieve your territory goals and strengthen your market position.

Download this template from eSpatial and build your own comprehensive sales territory plan, from defining territories and conducting market analysis to implementing strategies and leveraging technology.

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The steps to create an effective sales territory plan are:

  1. Analyze your market
  2. Define your territory
  3. Set goals
  4. Develop strategies
  5. Establish a timeline
  6. Allocate resources
  7. Leverage technology

The steps to effectively analyze your market are:

  1. Collect demographics
  2. Watch competitor activity
  3. Analyze economic indicators
  4. Gather data on customer insights

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