Scenario Planning Tool

Create a what-if analysis that optimizes territories based on various factors and variables

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Territory comparison tool
What is a scenario planning tool
Video transcript for What is a scenario planning tool

A scenario planning tool in territory mapping software is a feature that allows you to create and analyze different scenarios or hypothetical situations when it comes to allocating and managing territories.  So think of it as a what-if analysis tool. It's perfect for sales, operations, and anyone who manages territories.

What is a Scenario Planning Tool?

A scenario planning tool in territory mapping software is a feature that allows users to create and analyze different scenarios or hypothetical situations related to the allocation and management of territories. You can think of it as a "what-if" analysis tool and is essential for businesses and organizations that need to optimize their operations, sales, or service territories based on various factors and variables.

Key features of a scenario planning tool in territory mapping software may include:

Scenario planning - What-if analysis

What-if Analysis

The tool allows users to conduct "what-if" analyses, exploring the consequences of changes in territory boundaries, resource allocation, or other parameters. Users can adjust and redraw the boundaries of territories on the map to explore different alignments.

Types of territory alignments

Data Analysis

Users can input and analyze data related to demographics, sales performance, customer locations, and other relevant factors to evaluate the impact of different scenarios on territory efficiency.

Territory map of America


You get visual representations of your territories and associated data, helping you understand the geospatial aspects of different scenarios.

Territory optimizer tool

Optimization Algorithms

Advanced tools like eSpatial's territory mapping software incorporate optimization algorithms to automatically suggest or find the most efficient territory configurations based on specified objectives.

Two people using territory manager tool on laptop


Users can collaborate and share scenarios with team members, facilitating group decision-making and communication.

How Do You Use the Scenario Planning Tool?

Territory mapping software's scenario planning tools are invaluable for strategic planning. They help operations teams make informed decisions about how to structure and manage their territories to achieve specific goals or address changing circumstances.

Step 1

Make your adjustments to your territories. Then click the hamburger icon.

Hamburge menu icon

Step 2

Select Compare to last save.

Compare to last save menu link

Step 3

The window will display the before and after changes made to your data.

Before and after territory changes


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